Halloumi is a one-year-old Pointer, rescued six months ago off the streets in Cyprus, living now in Amman, Jordan.
Halloumi suddenly became very ill, had a high fever, was listless and lethargic. Blood-tests in Amman showed severe infection and inflammation. The vets in Amman had no further way to diagnose Halloumi, as they were limited by not having the laboratory support, nor the expert vets we have here in Israel, who can come to our clinic to help us in difficult cases. Therefore, his owners brought him to us, in desperation.
We examined Halloumi thoroughly, ran many blood and urine tests, took x-rays and performed Ultrasound scans.
We consulted with other vets, including expert vets in radiology, ultrasound and internal medicine
We finally had enough information in order to decide to go in surgically and look at his spleen (which by all the previous tests, was determined to be the source of the trouble).
When we opened his abdomen and looked at the spleen, it was clear it was very diseased and needed to be surgically removed immediately. And so we went in to sugery. Halloumi recovered quickly and uneventfully.
Two days post-op, blood-tests had returned to normal again and he felt much better.
Halloumi is now back to Amman, feeling well, eating with enthusiasm, playful and healthy again.
Lab studies of the spleen showed it had started to form an abscess and gangrene. Had we not gone in surgically when we did, the spleen may have burst open and he could have bled into his abdomen.
We appreciate the trust Halloumi's owners put in us, and are thrilled to have been able to save his life and make him well again.
Halloumi made us laugh when he came back for his final post-op visit, as he walked through the clinic to lie down in his former 'hospital bed'.
Halloumi is a fantastic dog, and his owners are rare people, willing to go 'all the way' for their dog, who is clearly part of their family.